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Our Tech
Revolutionizing Travel Technology
At LuxRally Travel, we seamlessly blend the personal touch of high-end service with the cutting-edge of technological innovation. Our tech is not just a tool; it is the backbone of our success. We believe that machines should handle repetitive tasks, freeing our agents to focus on what truly matters: delivering an unparalleled human experience.

The travel agency sector often lags behind in technological adoption, clinging to outdated methods. Many agencies that claim to be tech-forward focus solely on consumer-facing interfaces, neglecting the needs of their agents. At LuxRally, we do things differently. Our systems are built from the ground up by our founder, David Eisen, who brings his expertise from leading IT infrastructure for defense contractors. This unique background enables us to create secure, efficient, and agent-centric interfaces without third-party dependencies.

We leverage artificial intelligence not as a buzzword but as a core component of our operations. Unlike many agencies that rely on a patchwork of SaaS products, our technology ecosystem is entirely unified. This means faster data processing, seamless feature integration, and rapid deployment of new functionalities based on agent feedback.

Our Agent Dashboard

Our Agent Dashboard is designed to empower our agents with a comprehensive suite of tools. Robust analytics provide deep insights, allowing agents to make data-driven decisions. They can access shared and vendor-supplied deals effortlessly, ensuring they always have the best offers at their fingertips. Financial processes are simplified with quick invoicing and automated commission collection. Our extensive booking engine, which includes over 750,000 hotels worldwide, ensures a wide range of options for clients. The comprehensive CRM helps manage client relationships effectively, while the full suite of accounting tools streamlines financial operations. Our leads program assists in generating and tracking potential clients, and the knowledge base acts as a wiki-style resource for travel agents. Additionally, AI integration with OpenAI enhances efficiency, allowing agents to draft emails and query the knowledge base seamlessly.

Our Vendor Dashboard

Our Vendor Dashboard offers unparalleled access to live agent and influencer stats, providing real-time sales and performance data. This transparency allows vendors to make informed decisions and optimize their strategies. The dashboard includes co-op management and analytics with detailed ROI reporting, ensuring vendors can track the effectiveness of their campaigns. Vendors can also push exclusive deals directly to agent dashboards, ensuring their offers are always front and center. This seamless integration of tools and data helps vendors maximize their reach and impact.

Our Influencer Dashboard

The Influencer Dashboard is a powerful tool designed to enhance the capabilities of our influencers. It features a full suite of analytics, providing transparent tracking of sales and commissions. The trips marketplace allows influencers to view and access free trip opportunities from vendors, enabling them to plan their content creation effectively. Profile management tools optimize their visibility to vendors, ensuring they have full control over their image. URL generators offer superior tracking capabilities for promotional activities, allowing influencers to measure the success of their campaigns accurately. This dashboard ensures influencers have all the tools they need to succeed and thrive in the luxury travel market.

A Unified System

Our unified system ensures all features work together seamlessly, providing full transparency and maximum efficiency. We continuously innovate, with new features and improvements deployed at lightning speed, always driven by the needs and feedback of our agents.


Intrigued? You should be. While we can’t disclose all our proprietary features and future plans, we’re confident that our technology sets us apart from the competition. Join us at LuxRally Travel, where innovation meets luxury travel.

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